Art and Design

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At Woodcocks’ Well (VA) CofE Primary School our art and design curriculum encourages children to discover a world of wonder empowered by Gods spirit. We believe that Art and Design is essential in enriching children’s learning by stimulating their creativity, confidence, and imagination in a visual, tactile, and sensory manner. Art offers children a unique way of understanding and responding to the world around them, allowing children to communicate their ideas and feelings through a more abstract form. At Woodcocks’ Well (VA) CofE Primary School we ensure children form an understanding of colour, form, texture and pattern which progresses throughout the key stages.

The aims of teaching Art and Design in our school are:

  • develop knowledge, understanding and enjoyment of art and design.

  • develop a visual awareness

  • provide opportunities to use art to record feelings and express creative imagination

  • understand the visual elements of colour, texture, line, tone, pattern and shape form for them to effectively express themselves through artistic means

  • develop mastery of a range of tools, media and processes

  • acquire artistic skills and techniques

  • develop their capacity to evaluate their own and others artistic endeavours

  • teach children the skills needed to display and present their work


At Woodcocks’ Well (VA) CofE Primary School, Art and Design is taught on a 2 year rolling programme. The curriculum content covered is progressive throughout the years and ensures all objectives are met.

In Early Years, children have a wide range of creative experiences that enable them to meet the Early Learning Goals set out within the creative development section of the Foundation Stage Guidance.

Throughout Key Stage One and Key Stage Two, Art and Design is taught discretely as well as cross curricular when possible. Teachers also ensure that children study a key artist with every unit of work, ensuring children are exposed to famous artists and notable work this develops the children’s aspirations not only for their work but also their future. 


Pupils will be encouraged to reflect upon their work as individuals, in class groups and through self-assessment as appropriate. Teachers will use formative assessment strategies. At the end of each year teachers will make summative assessments of the attainment and progress made by pupils against the National Curriculum and use these to report to parents/carers.

The subject leader will ensure there is progress within Art and Design by:

  • Ensuring the progression of skills are covered in each year group.

  • Monitoring the curriculum and the progression of the Subject.

  • Supporting teachers in promoting high standards.

  • Ensuring a full list of equipment and resources is kept.

  • Ensuring good Health and Safety practices are followed.

Woodcocks' Well CE VA Primary School

Church Street, Mow Cop Stoke-on-Trent, ST7 3NQ