Lower Key Stage 2 Class 2024 - 2025
Miss Harley
Lower Key Stage 2
Welcome to Lower Key Stage 2! My name is Miss Harley and our class is filled with 34 amazing Year Three's and Four’s. We are also joined and supported by Mrs Stoker, Mrs Philips, Mrs Hogdkinson and Mrs Burn. I know we are all shining stars in Year 3 and 4 and we will be using our facebook page to be sharing work throughout the year.
History - Our topic this term is ‘The Romans'. We will be finding out all about them and what their life was like.
Geography- Our topic in Geography this term is Rivers and Water Cycles.
Science - Our Science topic for this term will be ‘Rocks'.
P.E. Children will need to bring their PE kits to school labelled to keep in their lockers ready to get changed into on PE days.
Forest Schools - Is on a Tuesday please come dressed in your uniform and bring clothes with you.
Homework - Homework will be set on a Friday and will consist of a Mathematics task, Spellings ready for a test on Monday and a Comprehension task.
If you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to contact me on: iharley@woodcockswell.cheshire.sch.uk
How can I help and support my child at school?
There are so many ways in which you can help support your child's learning at home.
* Reading - please listen to your child read at least four times a week. Talk about what they have read. All children will have a school reading book and we do ask them to read this regularly (four times per week). However, there is also nothing to stop you and your child finding other interesting texts to read together e.g. articles in the local paper, non-fiction books about a hobby or another story they enjoy from home.
* Maths - tables tables tables! Chant them, test each other in the car, do them backwards, find the corresponding division facts, make up games with thousands of points for the winner! Please help your child to know their times tables inside out - this will help them so much in all other areas of maths. We also love to use 'TTRS' and ‘Hit the Button’ which you can download from the app store or access online!
Homework this year will be given out on a Friday and will be due in on the following Wednesday. Whilst homework must be the children's own work, I really encourage parent support at home too.
Files to Download
Lower Key Stage 2 Class: News items
Diary Dates Autumn Term 2024, by Mrs Beckett
Lower Key Stage 2 Class: Calendar items
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