Key Stage 1 2023 - 2024

Mrs Nott

Welcome to KS1

Summer Term

Castle 2.JPG

Our Topics this Half Term:

Science - Materials and thier properties - investigation

Religious Education - How is the place where Jesus lived different from how we live now? 

History -  Castles

Geography - Building on our Fieldwork skills devising routes in our local area.

DT - Knights packed lunch - transporting packed lunch between two castles

Computing - Animations

Music - Performing percussion with increasing understanding of creating mood.

PE - Athletics and Cricket

RSHE - No Outsiders - Errols Garden by Gillian Hibbs and Aiming high


Homework will be set on a Friday and will consist of writing sentences to rflect childrens interest and/or spellings. This is due back in school the following Wednesday. 


Helping your child at home

Reading: Continue to read regularly at home with your child. Every child should be reading at least 4 times a week and this will be monitored in school. If a child is not consistently reading at home, parents will be contacted. 

Maths: Practise counting anywhere that you can. By the end of Y1, children need to be able to count (in ones) to a hundred. In Y2 practise counting in 2s, 5s and 10s, as this will prepare your child when they come to learn their times tables. Children have their TTRS Login details and this can be accessed here

Click on the picture to take you to a game to help with ordering numbers.
Click on the picture to take you to a game to practise your counting.


If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact me on: 


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Woodcocks' Well CE VA Primary School

Church Street, Mow Cop Stoke-on-Trent, ST7 3NQ