Drama Presentation

What a lovely morning we had at school today. We started our morning with singing assembly in the hall, however this was no normal singing assembly. As a treat for the children, after they had worked so very hard on their Easter performance, we sang some of our favourite 'Friday Feelings' songs and had a kittle boogie! Even Mrs Massen joined in! 

This excitement was followed by Maple and Oak Class children sharing their drama performances with the rest of the school and some of the parents. It was so wonderful to see a range of poems being performend in lots of different ways with lots of expression and actions. 

The children who have attended drama club also showed us the poems they have been working on, including a littler surprise for Ms Warrilow in the form of an acrositc poem, written by themselves! 


Woodcocks' Well CE VA Primary School

Church Street, Mow Cop Stoke-on-Trent, ST7 3NQ