Sensory Inclusion Team

Date: 24th Nov 2017 @ 1:25pm

A little while ago, Oak Class had a conversation all about diversity. One of the things that the children thought might make people different was their hearing ability. With this in mind we began to learn snippets of sign language, such as: good morning, good afternoon, my name is..., how are you? and I am good.

This afternoon Oak Class had a visitor. Bex from the Cheshire East Sensory Inclusion Team visited us and gave us lots more information about hearing impairments. The children learnt about the different types of deafness and what causes this. They thought about both the positives and negatives of being deaf and also what steps can be taken to help people who have hearing difficulties. We also had the opportunity to try on some different hearing aids, to see exactly how it felt to wear them. Bex finished off by teaching us a few new signs, which we now need to practice so that we can show you! Keep a look out at home for our signing!



Woodcocks' Well CE VA Primary School

Church Street, Mow Cop Stoke-on-Trent, ST7 3NQ