Germs germs germs
Date: 8th Dec 2017 @ 11:01am
Well what an exciting afternoon Oak Class had on Thursday celebrating our science topic! We spent the afternoon looking for germs!
We began by discussing the word 'micro organisms' and what other words we would link to this term. We talked about viruses, bacteria and fungi and then shared ideas on where bacteria grows best and how it is passed on. The children were very knowledgable in this subject and had lots of great ideas. We then thought about our school imparticular and noted down some ideas of where we thought the most bacteria would grow. The children had so many ideas so we chose sixteen places, which we thought would be best.
The children stepped into their roles as scientists perfectly and were very sensible and professional! Each group was given four petri dishes, which had been prepared with agar gel. Each group then worked through their four areas, swabbing them carefully with a new cotton bud before wiping them on the agar gel and placing the lid back on. We labelled the dishes clearly and then sealed them up well with Sellotape so that no nasty germs could escape. They have now been put in a box in a dark, warm cupboard.
The children then rated the areas they and swabbed from 1-16, 1 being the area they thought the bacteria would be and 16 being the list. Now we wait and see!
Thank you to our lovely parents who also came helped during the afternoon!