Blists Hill
Date: 28th Oct 2017 @ 12:54pm
On Tuesday 3rd October, the children in Oak and Maple class enjoyed fantastic day at Blists Hill Victorian Open Air Museum.
The day was jammed packed and the children were able to step back in time and gain a great understanding of what life was like during the Victorian period. The day started with the children changing their modern day money for money used in the Victorian era; pennies and shillings. Throughout the day they were able to spend some of this money in the many different areas of the museum, inlcuding the chemist, sweet shop, bakers, printers, blacksmiths and the fairground - which was a huge hit! We were able to speak with many different people who told us how life would have been like during this time, including how houses were run and what school life was like. The children also took part in a brick making workshop. It took the chldren around 30 minutes to make a brick from start to finish, however we were told that children, younger than those on our school trip, would have been expected to make one brick in just over 30 seconds!
As you can see from the photos attached, we had a wonderful and very interesting day!