A very mysterious box

Date: 6th Dec 2017 @ 9:36am

Last Friday, a very mysterious box landed on Miss Booth's door step. Of course, Miss Booth bought the box in to school for us to see. as you can see from the picture below, the box didn't have an address on it - in fact she wasn't even sure that it was for her. The funny box had air holes in and was labelled with 'handle with care' and 'fragile'.

Miss Booth was concerned with what was inside and was to scared to open it, so we had a think about what could be in it. We had all sorts of ideas; a troll, an empty box, dragons. Lots of us thought it was an elf sent from Santa - but She was certain the box would have been decorated better if it was from Santa! 

On Monday, Miss Booth had finally plucked up the courage to open the box. She wouldn't let any of us do it because she was so worried about what might pop out at us! Luckily, nothing did jump out, but there were four golden and blue eggs sat nestled safely inside! We'd never seen anything like it before. We have decided after much deliberation to see if our eggs hatch. So we are keeping them warm and safe inside their box. Keep an eye out on our blog for any movement! 



Woodcocks' Well CE VA Primary School

Church Street, Mow Cop Stoke-on-Trent, ST7 3NQ